Many of us rely on this caffeinated beverage to kick-start our mornings and provide the energy needed to navigate through the day. However, few may realize that coffee boasts a plethora of health benefits.
Coffee is a rich source of riboflavin, also known as Vitamin B2, a nutrient not abundantly present in many foods. Natalie Rizzo, RD, a registered dietitian based in New York City, explains that Vitamin B2 aids the body in breaking down nutrients ( Additionally, the average cup of coffee is abundant in polyphenolic antioxidants, potentially offering protection against various illnesses, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic syndrome diseases (Neural Regeneration Research, November 2015).
Moreover, coffee may contribute to weight loss, as suggested by a June 2019 study in Nature. The consumption of coffee stimulates body temperature, activating “brown fat,” which plays a role in calorie burning.
While these benefits are likely welcomed by coffee enthusiasts, the downside is that you might be making critical mistakes in preparing your cup of java, hindering you from fully enjoying the health advantages.
Whether purchased from a favorite corner shop or brewed at home, here are 10 mistakes to avoid for the healthiest way to consume coffee.
1.The Mistake: Buying Ground Coffee
Coffee beans contain the highest amount of antioxidants when they are whole and fresh. Although it’s more convenient to purchase pre-ground coffee, you might be missing out on significant health benefits.
The Fix: Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, nutrition and wellness expert, and author of Eating in Color, suggests buying whole beans, storing them in an airtight container, and grinding just enough for your morning brew. “This is a much better idea than buying ground coffee, which may have been sitting on the store shelf for weeks, losing its antioxidants,” she says.
2. The Mistake: Skipping the Filter
If your coffee routine typically involves French press or espresso (unfiltered coffee), you may be compromising your health. A study tracking over half a million people for about 20 years revealed that those who consumed filtered coffee had lower mortality rates compared to those who drank unfiltered coffee or abstained from coffee altogether. Published in April 2020 in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, the study concluded that unfiltered coffee contains substances that elevate blood cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart attacks and premature death. Using a filter, such as in drip or pour-over methods, helps remove these substances and reduces these risks.
The Fix: Consider using a filter when brewing your coffee.
3. The Mistake: Adding Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners
Sugar not only adds empty calories to your coffee but can also have various negative effects on the body, including tooth decay, increased inflammation, and weight gain, according to Harvard Health Publishing. While artificial sweeteners might seem like a better option for those with diabetes, they have their own health disadvantages, such as unwanted changes to the microbiome (the healthy bacteria in your gut), warns Largeman-Roth.
The Fix: The healthiest approach to coffee is to eliminate sweeteners altogether.
4. The Mistake: Overloading on Creamer
Most Americans opt for a generous serving of coffee creamer in their cup. While a small amount won’t negate all the benefits coffee can provide, exceeding that can turn an innocent cup into a high-calorie beverage with little nutritional value, according to Christen Cupples Cooper, EdD, RDN, assistant professor and founding director of the Nutrition and Dietetics Program at the College of Health Professions at Pace University.
The Fix: Keep your coffee accoutrements as simple as possible, opting for a splash of low-fat milk or unsweetened almond milk for a healthier cup.
5. The Mistake: Treating It Like Dessert
With so many add-ons available at most coffee spots, it’s easy to find yourself ordering something that sounds eerily similar to an ice cream sundae, complete with syrups, whipped cream, and even sprinkles.
“While a plain black coffee has negligible calories, a ‘dessert coffee’ can easily top 500 calories,” warns Roger Adams, PhD, a Houston-based dietitian and founder of “Any health benefits will be ruined by the added fat, sugar, and calories.”
The Fix: Skip the sugary add-ons and opt instead for a dash of cinnamon or a splash of natural vanilla extract.
6. The Mistake: Using Single-Serve Plastic Pods
Research has shown that eating or drinking from any sort of heated plastic, even those that are BPA-free, may be detrimental to your health.
“Even BPA-free plastics can release estrogenic chemicals into liquids that may pose a health risk over time,” warns Roger Adams, PhD, a Houston-based dietitian and founder of “These estrogenic chemicals may act as an endocrine (or hormone) disruptor if levels build up or exposure is high enough.”
The Fix: Fire up the coffee pot or try pour-over coffee. And if you’re more likely to buy your coffee? You might want to think twice before topping your steamy beverage with a plastic lid.
7. The Mistake: Forgetting to Clean Your Machine
Any household appliance that contains water requires frequent cleaning, or you run the risk of mold and bacteria running rampant. This is especially true for coffee makers because the heat and constant moisture in them create the perfect environment for these organisms to flourish, warns Roger Adams, PhD, a Houston-based dietitian and founder of
Indeed, the National Science Foundation’s International Household Germ Study found that about half of coffee makers had yeast and mold growing in their reservoirs.
“Low levels are no problem for our body’s natural defense system, but if the coffee maker is left to grow large amounts, then they can indeed cause problems with our health,” Adams says.
The Fix: Aim to clean your coffee machine at least once a month. It may help to set a reminder in your smartphone calendar so you don’t forget.
8. The Mistake: Drinking It Too Late in the Day
Many of us turn to a cup of joe during that afternoon energy slump, but drinking caffeine late in the day can cause issues with sleep, warns Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, nutrition and wellness expert and author of Eating in Color.
In fact, a September 2015 study in Science Translational Medicine linked late caffeine consumption to a delay in human circadian rhythm, which may contribute to the growing number of sleep issues adults are facing. And poor sleep can have a negative effect on nearly every part of your body.
The Fix: Keep coffee consumption during morning hours. For an afternoon pick-me-up, choose snacks that won’t spike your blood sugar.
9. The Mistake: Buying It in Bulk
Although coffee is more shelf-stable than the fresh produce or meat we buy at the grocery store, it shouldn’t be stored for several months at a time.
Also, Largeman-Roth recommends against storing your beans in the freezer, which will cause them to lose their moisture and can affect their flavor.
The Fix: Buy smaller amounts so that what you’re using is fresh and still full of antioxidants.
10. The Mistake: Not Opting for Dark Roast
When coffee beans are roasted, something known as the Maillard reaction occurs, producing melanoidins that affect the beans’ overall antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory effects, Adams says. So, the longer the beans are roasted (the darker the roast), the higher the amount of antioxidants they contain.
What’s more? Sipping on a darker roast may help protect your DNA from damage, according to a November 2018 study in the European Journal of Nutrition.
The Fix: Whether you brew your java at home or pick it up via the drive-through, choose a darker roast for an antioxidant boost.